One of my good scrappin' friends has been playing with her camera (a lot more than me) of late, and decided to give me a swift kick into today with a Photo Challenge. "Oh Heck!" I thought, I haven't clicked for ages. So, to be involved you must take a photo a day for five days, in B&W or converted to such, upload it to (the Challenge site), and nominate someone to join in for 5 days - IF they want to. I am not a part of the group, so I'm putting mine up on my "In Your Face" page, and here. I will try to nominate five people, but it will be more of a challenge to actually get the photos.
Alas, I ventured forth in the trusty Six, packing a fully charged camera, and the Little Fart. Whilst we ventured forth to farming lands far across the paddocks, with the trusty Little Fart at my side (by my side, right behind me, somewhere, over there, up ahead of me, across the paddock, in the chook house (she wasn't really in the chook house Frankie...), I searched for suitable subjects. I got just down the drive when I spotted the lovliest spider web, and off I went. So, whilst I have been thinking about what to take, I ended up with a months worth of photos, for which I can only use ONE today. Then I have to start again... Did I have fun? Oh my wordy, lordy yes I did!
Now how do I convert? Thy trusty keyboard ran a marathon of strokes as we searched and played, and finally got it done. I'm sure I could have done a better job, used better light, moved the trucks with my mind, frozen the bees in mid air, but that would only be showing off and I was way too busy dodging flying Little Farts zipping through the long grass around my feet.
For Day 1 I have nominated Tahnee Benson.
My photo is of a bee collecting pollen from a PINK Bottlebrush. I don't think I can remember ever seeing a pink one before, which was amongst some red bushes, and it looked awesome.

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