I found this whilst surfing and looking for some retreat info. They have a very lively forum, a great Design Team, and the whole site is very organized and well maintained. It's in here that i decided to join one of their online competitions to motivate myself with my scrapping. It's called the "52 Pick Up", and entails completing 52 tasks set by alternating members of the DT for 52 weeks. Now this is set as one task per week, and can be layouts, cards, off the page projects - you don't know from one week to the next. Each DT members sets their own rules for the task, and they don't have to be done in any order (unless you want to be in the running for their MONTHLY prizes, whereby you have to complete all the TASKS for that one month). Now that ain't going to happen here! So, I have been browsing through the list and picking tasks to work on, and am most happy to say that i am achieving! Feels pretty good.... I have attached the link above for the gallery, and i am set up with the same user, so you can search my work or just browse them all - jaywhat is me!
The last one i worked on was the monochromatic, which i did using purple. Looks better here on the easle than it does uploaded, but anyway. It's of Riley sitting on a concrete pylon out the road, and we were watching the Black Saturday fires running up the Mudgegonga Valley. Given it was midnight, i had to put a purple and organge hue through the photo to show the fires better - and was really happy with the result. I then put in a hidden pocket for a poem that i wrote, and it sits behind the photo. I'm going to put the photos in here for you to see, then i will upload the other "Pick Ups" and do a short story on each (...........you, a short story i hear you say! Well, i'm going to try then!)
I must also add at this point that it has been quite a treat to rock up to soccer on Sunday's to find that I am met with numerous compliments about my scrapping, as Blokey Man has taken my LAYOUTS down to training on the Thursday before to show everyone............. DOH! And he bags me out for spending time in my scrap room!
As I look upon this sight,
I pray to God with all my might,
Protect their homes, and save their lives -
the people fleeing as the fires rise.
Combustive fury,
firey wall,
Roaring a path before us all.
I ask you God - What good is this,
the aches inside,
the fear,
Mother Nature please be kind,
Right the wrongs - I think it's time.
Engulf the flames and still the winds,
submit to rainfall, let hope begin...
Well, that's one post done - and i will attempt to make a much better effort at keeping the updates more regular - there is SO much more to show and tell!!
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