Friday, 22 June 2007

As June flies by

What an interesting week we've had in the house of amazingly approachable open spaces. ... The mere distances one must travel in this vast tangent of little warrens, without meeting, greeting or retreating from any other beings is mere nano seconds. It's an interesting week when you've got to talk about the space in the house.............

Well much abounds in the absence of the Old Fart and his Little Fart. We have spread our (little) wings and relaxed a bit. The boys are back in their own rooms, although i suspect the constant complaints of nagging each other are merely signs of actually wanting the company...

Whilst the Farts are enjoying warm and sunny days we are freezing our butts off in air now turned icy instead of rain, and we're really feeling the chill. The frosts have been amazing, my little Mazda6 all iced up, and fogs thick enough to send a Bdouble scuttling past the Snow Road turn off!

It's never quite cold enough in the morning though for adolescent boys to wear their uniform to school without a jumper. Nothing a couple of good frosts and a ride to school on the bike won't fix anyway!! "This bomber jacket is really warm Mum, and cool!!" It might be two sized too big, but i figure that if number one son can tell everyone at school to get over it, then i should be able to! Just don't look, it matches his hair and i think he's growing into that too!.... It 's casual day tomorrow too, so that should be a hoot!

We did take time out of our Fart less days to go visit the Brown Block, bundled up with bangers and marshmallows. It may have been wet and wild, but what better atmosphere for four wild boys to tear down the drive, in the rain, on the pushy.. Ah the country air, refreshes the mind and soul and all those other body parts that scrape along the drive after air bound stints. Rarely does time allow for any departures without hint of pain and suffering of some kind......

And what of the rolling hills, such a fine opportunity to take a walk and collect many a fine kindling for all sorts of manifesting creations. Such acts of collection somewhat amaze and stun the blokey man as he looks into the back of the 4wd with raised eyebrows... "More crap" I hear him say, and just as quickly the look upon his smirky face is wiped clean with "I'm going to build a bridge so i can get over it, but i think I'll need more wood!!" Now that was priceless, rarely is it that we find the blokey man speechless but think clearly knocked the wind out of him!! .....wonder where i can get some twine........

As with all visitations the favour is returned, and much knowledge is passed around in regard to building industry specifications. Upon this point the now redundant gas heater is met with contemplation, and blokey man discusses future weekend pursuits of attempted removals with Jen Jen's man. "Just pull it off" he says. "Go on" replies blokey man, so he does. Two screws later and a little sawing from a very little saw and we've just freed up a weekend to go visiting my family!! Oh what, you have to work that weekend................ :)
Isn't it nice when visitations turn into on the spot working bees that takes months or years???? Happens a lot hey? Can't wait for the laundry to get done.....

Well, there has been lots of running and panting and sweating and skidding in the mud, and blokey man will not be happy with the dog on the lawn. In between all this the boys have been busy at soccer and had some great games. Riley went into keeper and took a terrific save, and Brayden just went berserk again... Two recent best on ground vouchers on the same day gave them both a real buzz. On we go into the second round now, brollies in hand, coffee mug and deck chair. And a bit of vocal support will usually see blokey man wander off to canteen for a minute or two....... Clears the lungs right?

Where has the time gone? The phone call finally came in; the Farts are coming back! A trip to Melbourne is in hand as the Old Fart gets airborne (unlike grandson), and little Fart gets caged up down below. A blustery trip saw a 40 minute delay outside Avenel when one of several trees had fallen across both south-bound lanes. The line of lights behind me seemed to be growing even further back with the knowledge that the school holidays had already started. Soon on the way again, my lovely accommodation hosts, MaryAnne and Tony, prepared their special spag, a very nice drop of red and topped up my daily caffeine limit . Whilst catching up on stuff I was delighted to see the eating habits of their male adolescent son, somewhat older that my own boys, engrossed in the consumption of creamed cheese and cracked pepper sangers. . Now this i had not seen before, and was so bemused in the preparations occurring that my obvious distraction did cause a blackout on one poor sanger... With all but raised eyebrow, the disarray of pepper was casually tidied up and consumption did occur. No wonder the boys plays a hot game of volleyball, all that pepper...!! Shortly after this, and much later than when Tony piked it to read the new car manual in bed......... i was merrily sent off to bed in the outer sanctions of the granny office... And what a lovely restful night too.

How nice it was to see Cat's use of the papers and craft stuff i gave her being used in her homework projects. Looked really great. One day soon we are going to get together and have some fun making crafty stuff, just got to sort it out with mum and dad....

On the road again, 10 minutes out and I'm at the airport and wouldn't you know it, I'm early and so is the plane. There goes my coffee......... Wandering Old Fart was intercepted along the arrivals corridor, and almost walked right past me. I was tempted to give him the familiar "Hey Head" greeting, but feared it may have to be called out too loud and attract unwelcome attention... so i just stood there and looked at him. I think he may have been overcome with all the "variety", he seemed a little dazed. Maybe it was just the altitude........... Anyway, off we trot to pick up the car and collect the little Fart and she wasn't even there!! A somewhat worried look passed over the Old Farts face as he was asked if he travelled with the animal....... oh great, she's on another flight and we're gonna have to stay down here for another three hours and go shopping.... Oh, tangent.. The good man went and did collect and deliver very squeaky jumping Little Fart, and we hit the McCafe!! Yeah, what a road trip without a good coffee right? Anyway, Little Fart needed to remove of bit of retained excitement, and I'd rather she did it all on the grass!! Good Girl!!

So how was Poppy's trip? "Gee it was cold up there...." yep, circulation's shot! Lucky i brought his big coat down, but i didn't expect him to wear it all the way home in the car! Ah well, at least the trip was a bit more pleasant than the night before. So now we're home and yet another saga begins; school holidays start tomorrow and treatments start the following week. Lots of things going on. Keep you posted!

Jay What

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