Well, after considerable thought I have decided to join the land of the blogging! It is destined to be the link in virtual contacts for family and dear friends. This is the place where I will display the things that mean most to me, and I hope all that visit this corner of my world are able to enjoy the peek they take through the window to my little life of trials & tribulations.
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Oh the red.........
Well, it's one of those nights and I have had SO MUCH on my mind of late that I decided to convert my tension to a bottle of red and some painful reading..................
I am SO feeling like that right now, and I'm still only up to TWO!!! (......yes, they are filled ALL the way to the TOP!)
My head is feeling like a swinger on heat, and my fat arse is saying "don't move! it's dangerous out there........ stay here on the couch............" Well, who would you listen to without a room full of people............... well at least I think there's no people here?????? Nahhhhh, it's just the telly!
Well, the big gig is on this weekend, and the Blokey Man couldn't care less............... "The Hot Rods are in town, so do what you want!" Like he has a say.............
The younglings shall no doubt return from camp tomorrow to be desserted by their parents, I don't know who's happier! Come on, we're talking male teenage hormones here............... much pity is appreciated at any time......
Hang on,.......................... who put the glass WAYYYYYYYY over there...........???
Son #1 has just gone out and did his first day of "real work" with the 'ever non silent' McGivor, Blokey Man's man boyfriend.............. please don't go there, I have at least two more reds before I can get into THAT! So, the eldest youngling, ever inspired by the lure of getting out into the sun and doing a hard days work at the top of a 15 foot ladder with a paintbrush, hammer and nails............ and the MONEY THING really didn't influence him THAT MUCH........................ So here was Blokey Man, ever so proud and absolutely terrified that his #1 son would fall asleep on the job with his boyfirend, running outside for "first day's work photos" as the youngling carried out to the Trash Ute, the little green esky that he indeed carried inside from the kitchen door for his father all those years ago when he was 18months old, clad in nappy and work work boots himself................ De ju vue!!!! How funny is that, his dad taking out his esky for his son............ go figure! So, the photos, we're talking about Blokey Man, who seems to know me FAR better than he claims to admit! ........... scrap, scrap, scrap... gotta take your photos!! ......... I'm sure if I looked hard enough the eye would have been a tad moist..................
So, the hard days work is done without interruption of non-performing younglings, and then it's "you should have seen McGivor jump when I tried to tell him the clamp came off the welder................ he thought the extension lead was a black snake and ran like crazy......!!" The grin on that boys face was well and truly from ear to ear!! ......somewhat similar to his parents' when they pictured the scene............. "Hey dad, I did it twice.......... you should have seen him jump!!!" ....definitely something in the bloodlines there........
Hang in there cyber self punishers, I still have half a glass to go, and the damn bottle is empty, so there's no chance of me cyber hanging about ............... but there is much to say................
So there is much on the horizon over the back fence, and I can't really say much more than that at the moment........... bugger eh?
The girly gig at the Famous Eldorado Hall of Scrapbooking will see the coming together of the Eldy Scrapologists, and it's certainly well overdue!! The girls are really looking forward to a weekend away and catching up once again. My secret agenda is to introduce a new member to the team, but that is proving difficult with seasonal agricultural commitments detaining the inductee to the fields. Numerous symbolic rain dances have been performed, participants fully clad in the latest decorum of papercraft wreaths and origami, in the true spirit of growth production in the golden fields of grain, and releasing the creative cosmic spirit of scrapbooking unto the world...... no really! I'm thinking free chocolate and diet coke might do the trick.................
I am hoping to get a few projects done over the weekend. I have been somewhat preoccupied of late, so the distraction will no doubt do me good. My recent trip over home with the boys recouped some lovely photos of the boys cousins and their children. Very nice to catch up, having not seen at least one of the little rascals in person at all...
The Old Farts bit and pieces are still falling apart and cracking up. The Little Fart is looking a bit greyer than the last time I saw her, and as Poppy informed me she is now 7 little doggies years old. Quite a feat for a chiwawa in the domestic vicinity of a chain smoking Old Fart... She was most pleased to see me though, and it's nice to see her excitement at remembering me from our former co-habitation. I am sure Blokey Man will still be quite relieved to know that she is still left to him in the will....................... Well, she would be here either way so go build a bridge and get over it!
...about 1cm to go.......................... bugger!
Well, how quiet has the house been without kids?? Even the DOG is miserable, he's hanging about the gate at hometime waiting for the disruptive volume of testosterone induced teens, and quite frankly he's really pissed off! Blokey Man is a whole other story, he has to actually SIT next to ME on the couch because he can't HIDE on the crappy old creaky chair, that does little more than look like an antique that provides little more comfort than sitting in the washing machine (oh, and yes I'd like to see him doing that...........) So, as there aren't any laid out bodies on the couches to hog all the seating, and no pressure to sit on the crappy chair, yep, he has to SIT with ME! We all know it's just because he can't control himself when he's that close, I just don't like to sit that close next to him because he can't control himself.......... I'm SO HOT! (...........relax, the wines kicking in!!) Oh, and a really nice touch was the "what flowers" comment when I put a full vase of hand picked home grown roses on the table at dinner. Now, that was right up his alley as he didn't have to PAY for them, nor did he knock them off from someone elses garden!!! And quite frankly all he was served up that night was dinner! ..........Real noice.......................
OMG it's empty!!!!! That's it, I'm done.... (that and the focus thing, and the funny words popping up everywhere thing, and that squinty screen thing) just may mean it's time for bed! This should be good though, I'm on a roll you see, three nights in a row I've dropped my book on the floor. Just checking the binding really, had nothing to do with nodding off a bit in bed..............
Well I can't imagine it very elegant to be drinking directly out of the wine bottle that may or may not have a few drops left in it, so I'll log off cyber space so you don't know if I do or not...... Honestly though, if I knew which one to pick up I probably would!............... DOH!!
More exciting stuff real soon............... thanks for sharing the red
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Friend-ie works of Art

Hello All,
Lookie Here, Lookie Here!!! Thought I would share the recent works of the very talented Beaver. She is really getting out there and "global" with this recent little effort, and is very chuffed indeed! Whilst on the road to competition her creativity ran riot and came up with the most beautiful Christmas Wreath, made up with paper flowers and sparkly holly leaves. A bit of origami skill would be required to tackle the flowers, and drink driving this task is NOT recommended at all......

The second effort was for the same said flowers, with the same recommendations in the construction of instructions......, and was to be designed as a gift topper. Well, I think I'd just want it on it's own to be honest! Looks just gorgeous...

As for Me? Well last night I created some pretty amazing tortilla wraps for dinner.......... ahem....... I am working on some stuff, so if I don't get them done before hand, the inspiration of the Eldy Scrapologists will surely boost me along to completion this weekend! I am feeling a tad excited, lots of scrapping time with friends for the weekend is a pretty good deal!
The coming together of the Eldy Scrapologists also sees the cosmic bonding of several members in an inspirational grain chanting and wreath clad dancing to bring forth the rain......... Given the position of Uranus and the Sun, this is indeed necessary to glorify the swelling golden seeds of produce for further growth, and eminate aural paternal bonding with ones children whilst the Beaver can then be released for non-religious Scrapology......... and depending on the fit of said wreaths, Uranus and the Sun may surely be given just the cosmic tilt required.....
And on that note, I shall go forth to commence said cosmic bonding of members and summon the rain....... and NO there will NOT be photos!!
Sunday, 1 November 2009
The Theme is Set
Take a look at this.....

OMG!! I have a feeling this is going to be quite a wild event. "The Girls" are going to go crazy over this one...
I am silently laughing though, I can't wait for the Desert Diva to see the little image at the bottom of this poster! Knowing how much she LOOOOOVES owls......... uhuh....
Well the mind boggles, I am somewhat familiar with certain "hooters", and I can't promise that I'll be dressing up like that, layered flannelette and heaps of cabin fresh new man spray! I could quite reasonably become spontaneously combustive with my mood swings, but absolutely nothing that would match the feisty Tru*king Grumpy!! Boy oh Boy........ surely there is MORE to Hooters & Whistles?
We'll all have to stay posted for this one, I'm sure there's lots more to come!